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Forgiving and Forgetting

Forgiving and Forgetting

In Teri Libenson’s newspaper comic strip, The Pajama Diaries, her adult daughter Jill discovers that her mother has found love again at 70. Jill is delighted and asks how she and Harry are getting along. “Good, of course certain habits of his are starting to annoy me....
Living Gratefully

Living Gratefully

In the first reading, we hear the end of the story of Naaman, a Syrian general, who has just been cured of his leprosy. When Naaman comes to Israel he encounters the prophet, Elisha. Naaman has come bearing all manner of riches and gifts, but Elisha wants none of it....
God’s Vineyard

God’s Vineyard

We are God’s vineyard.  Jesus uses the image of the vineyard or a building to describe the People of God.  Paul uses these same two images to describe Christians and their teachers in his letter to the Corinthians.  “The one who plants and the one who waters are...
Recognizing the Needs of Others

Recognizing the Needs of Others

In a small African village, two brothers were about to set out to make their fortune in a distant country.  “Go with my blessing,” their father said, “but on your way put marks on the trees lest you lose your way.” So the brothers went off.  The older brother traveled...
Destroying People

Destroying People

The first reading today is from the Prophet Jeremiah who was among the last prophets who proclaimed the Word of God to the people of Jerusalem immediately before the city was conquered by Babylon and its residents taken into captivity. Jeremiah had the unenviable task...