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The Evangelist

The Evangelist

Today we celebrate the Feast of St. John the Evangelist. In the midst of the Christmas season today’s gospel seems out of place. It recounts Mary Magdalene’s experience of Easter morning when she reports to Peter and the other apostles: “They have...
The First Martyr

The First Martyr

How quickly things change!  Yesterday we celebrated the birth of Jesus and today we celebrate St. Stephen, the first Christian martyr.  The Greek word “martyr” means a witness.  So, anyone who witnesses to the faith is a martyr.  Sometimes this witnessing is to the...
It’s About a Revolution

It’s About a Revolution

Today’s Gospel speaks to us again about one of the most powerful prayers of all time, The Magnificat of Mary.  It is about a moral revolution. He scatters the proud in the plans of their heart.  That is a moral revolution.  It is the death of pride.  If we compare our...
O Radiant Dawn

O Radiant Dawn

Jesus Christ comes to illuminate our lives with a new vision that remakes all of us. Today’s OH antiphon reminds of the need for a new light that all of us have inside our hearts and souls. Today’s first reading also expressed the joy one feels at the anticipation of...
To whom the Word came

To whom the Word came

Today’s Gospel is a familiar part of the Christmas story – the Angel Gabriel inviting Mary into the plans of God for redemption and salvation of the world. Given its proximity to Christmas, I suspect we quickly want to jump the 9 months and have our thoughts...