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In today’s first reading Paul gives himself as an example as one who has given up his “freedom” and his “rights” for the sake of the Gospel: “Although I am free in regard to all, I have made myself a slave to all so as to win over as many as possible.”  Paul is...
Mary and Genealogy – Family

Mary and Genealogy – Family

Cusco was the capital of Peru at the time of the Incas when the Spanish arrived. For the Incas Cusco was the center of the universe. In 1539, the Spanish began construction of the church dedicated to the “triumph” that would eventually become the cathedral. “Triumph”,...
One side of the conversation

One side of the conversation

I have often noted that some of St. Paul’s letters are akin to listening to one side of a telephone conversation. You really don’t know what the other person is saying, you can only guess based on the response that you can hear. This is especially true of the 1st...
The Level Ground

The Level Ground

In Mathew’s Gospel Jesus goes up on a hillside to preach the Sermon on the Mount.  In Luke’s account Jesus comes down the mountain to preach the sermon on the plain. A small detail but an important one as it gives us an insight into the kind of relationship that...
Pride’s Shadow

Pride’s Shadow

The first reading is from Paul’s “1st Letter to the Corinthians.” The entirety of the Letter is an admonition to the community. As described in Acts 8, Paul had been with the Corinth community for 18 months, had moved on to establish Christian communities in other...