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PWC Public Defender Office Update

August 2022 Parity funding for the Prince William County Public Defender Office is key to a fair and equitable system of restorative justice.  Low pay and heavy workloads make it difficult to recruit and retain high quality attorneys for the Public Defender’s Office. ...

Crisis Receiving Center Update

August 2022 Early in 2021, VOICE leaders in Prince William County (PWC) began a campaign, together with key allies, to create a Crisis Receiving Center (CRC) –a facility where police and the wider public can take people suffering from a mental health crisis instead of...
Fish Story

Fish Story

Today’s Gospel sounds like an incredible fish story.  Peter drops a hook into the sea and catches a fish with a coin worth twice the temple tax.  Just enough for Jesus and Peter to pay the temple tax!  While the story may seem like a fish story it is more a parable or...
The Liturgy of the Mass

The Liturgy of the Mass

…that are easy to miss, to tune out, or just not realize how important they are. Like the Readings, these three prayers are different for each Mass. The three prayers are the Collect, the Prayer over the Offerings, and the Prayer after Communion. They’re short prayers...
It’s About Looking Beyond Oneself

It’s About Looking Beyond Oneself

The Gospel today contains three powerful challenges. The followers of Jesus must deny themselves.  When we think of denying oneself, we think of giving up something we like doing without some pleasure or luxury.  But Jesus is asking even more.  He is asking us to say...