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Being Ready

Being Ready

The Jews wanted Jesus to do something sensational to prove that He really was the anointed one of God. In the year 45 A.D. a man named Theudas arose claiming to be the Messiah.  He persuaded people to follow him out to the Jordan with the promise that he would part...
Our Choice

Our Choice

In today’s readings we hear from the Book of Jonah and Jesus’ reference to “the sign of Jonah.” I think we have been conditioned to think: “Jonah, three days in the belly of the whale. Jesus, three days in the tomb. Ok, the “sign of Jonah” must be Jesus’...


In today’s Gospel Jesus teaches us, His disciples, how to pray and what words to use.  We pray for the coming of God’s Kingdom in these words: “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done.”  God’s Kingdom is present where God’s will is being done.  Jesus “embodies” this pray...


How will we be judged?  What if someone is not baptized or born again, can they be saved?  What about someone who is an atheist, can they be saved?  In today’s Gospel Jesus teaches that the criterion of judgement is simple and challenging; “whatever you did for one of...


When and how should we fast?  In today’s first reading Isaiah tells us that a true fast is not just refraining from food but refraining from “your own pursuits, and drive[ing] all your laborers.”  A true fast is refraining from a “quarrel and fight.”  A true fast is...