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It’s About Service!

It’s About Service!

James and John are discussing who will be on Jesus’ right and who will be on His left in the Kingdom. What they and their mother do not understand is that standing on either side of Jesus can be quite challenging. To stand on Jesus’ right or left to work in a soup...
Fixing Things

Fixing Things

Recently I was teaching grade school children at our parish school. The topic was regarding the 40 Hour Devotion that was coming up in the parish. The children would be participating and so I was asked to let them know a little bit about the history and spirituality...


Today’s morning Mass marks the beginning of the parish’s 40 Hour Devotion – and as such today’s readings are taken from the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. There are lots of odd names that appear in the Old Testament. One of them is...
Jesus doesn’t have a good memory

Jesus doesn’t have a good memory

In 2000, Cardinal Thuan, who was a prisoner of war in Vietnam for thirteen years, nine of which were solitary confinement, preached the Lenten Retreat to the Curia in Rome. During this retreat he spoke about the “defects” of Jesus. The first defect he mentioned was...