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Today’s Gospel is one that always needs 1st century context. Jesus has just been at the synagogue where he cast out an unclean spirit from a man. Then we read, “Simon’s mother-in-law lay sick with a fever. They immediately told him about her. He [Jesus]...


What does it mean to teach with authority?  In today’s Gospel Mark emphasizes twice that Jesus teaches with authority.  “Jesus taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes…a new teaching with authority” (Mark 1:22, 27).  The people contrasted Jesus’...
The Time of Fulfillment

The Time of Fulfillment

Although only 14 verses into the gospel narrative, St. Mark has already introduced us to John the Baptist, Jesus has been baptized, and tempted in the desert. Then, in a typically abbreviated style, Mark merely refers in passing to the whole story of John’s...

A reluctant leader

One aspect of Francis’ changing life that has attracted recent attention is the movement of Francis from solitary figure, living a quasi-hermetical life for four to five years, now beginning to live in a growing community of brothers – all of whom are looking to...

“And the Lord gave me brothers”

It is later in the autumn of 1206 that with his decision to “leave the world” Francis began to be aware of the powerful Divine Presence in his life through, his work among the lepers near Assisi, and his habit of taking refuge in churches for prayer and rebuilding the...