by Fr. George Corrigan OFM | Dec 15, 2021 | Friar Reflection
There is always continuity in the readings for daily Mass, especially the gospels. Often there is continuity in the story itself. The readings for the previous two days came from the gospel of St. Matthew. They described questioning of Jesus by the chief priest and...
by Fr. John O'Connor OFM | Dec 14, 2021 | Friar Reflection
The key to this parable is that it is not really praising anyone. It is describing a picture of two sets of imperfect people. Neither son in the story was the kind of son to bring full joy to the father. Both were unsatisfactory but, in the end, the one who obeyed...
by Fr. George Corrigan OFM | Dec 14, 2021 | Flocknote
Thank you! You have joined the almost 700 households that are part of the “flock!” We are off to a great start. We still have about 1,800 more to join the flock, but like the Good Shepherd we will seek them out … one by one if necessary!! And part of...
by Fr. Jim Scullion OFM | Dec 13, 2021 | Friar Reflection
In today’s Gospel Jesus is challenged by some Jewish Temple authorities about His actions in the Temple, specifically His “cleansing” of the Temple. Jesus as a Jew recognized the holiness of the Jerusalem Temple and the presence of God in the Temple. Yet like the...
by Fr. George Corrigan OFM | Dec 11, 2021 | Friar Reflection
This Saturday morning, our readings highlight the Prophets Elijah and John the Baptist, two of the greatest prophets from the times before Jesus. In the first reading from Sirach, we hear “In those days, like a fire there appeared the prophet Elijah whose words were...