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We are found by God

We are found by God

Today the Gospel offers us two everyday images of things that have been lost and found: a sheep that gets lost in the field and a coin that gets lost in the house. Who has not ever lost the keys, a document, or the dog? When something is really valued, nobody stays...
Adjusting the Plan

Adjusting the Plan

“Which of you wishing to construct a tower does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if there is enough for its completion?” – words from today’s Gospel. Seems like good, practical advice. Still, it makes me think about several things. If we wait...
What Matters to God

What Matters to God

Biblical law is full of rules, and people have so many opinions about what the rules mean and which ones to follow, but what really matters to God when it comes to the Law? Join us in this study by watching the video featured video and reflecting: Reflect -Once you’ve...
All Souls

All Souls

Today we remember in prayer all our loved ones who have died.  St. Paul reminds us that nothing can separate us for the love of God, not even death: “What will separate us from the love of Christ? Will anguish, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or...
All Souls – Bless their hearts

All Souls – Bless their hearts

It is at the wake and funeral that we glimpse into best part of the now faithful departed. These stories reveal that within each of us is the work of God, even if perhaps unfinished. Stories which reveal the love of God poured into the world through everyday people....