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Four Gifts of Advent

Four Gifts of Advent

The four weeks of Advent are a time of spiritual preparation that begins with an awareness of our own longing and leads us to a deeper openness to the many gifts God wants to give us. This page offers a reflection on a different spiritual gift for each week of Advent....
Where the River Flows

Where the River Flows

The Lateran Basilica in Rome is not the oldest church in Rome – that honor seems to belong to Santi Quattro Coronati (314); but then that depends on what sources you believe. Old St. Peter’s, the original church on the spot where the current St. Peter’s stands dates...
Faith and Forgiveness

Faith and Forgiveness

In today’s Gospel Jesus teaches about faith and forgiveness.  Like the apostles our faith at times is strong but at other times we question and we doubt and so we need to ask Jesus: “Increase our faith” (Luke 17:5) The apostles show us that faith is a journey, a...
Where Do We Invest Our Wealth?

Where Do We Invest Our Wealth?

Rachel is a wigmaker in her hospital’s oncology department. But she is more than that.  As one of her clients writes, “she is a one-person support group, combining her styling skills with the background of a therapist, the intimacy of a close friend, and the...