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The End

The End

How will it all end?  It is natural human curiosity to want to know how things will end.  We hate TV shows that end the season with “cliffhangers” since we have to wait to see if all the main characters died.  Of course, we know they probably didn’t but we are never...
Jesus’ Lament

Jesus’ Lament

As Jesus arrives at the holy city of Jerusalem he weeps and laments over the city, its fate and how some Jewish religious leaders have led it astray.  He laments over the coming fate of Jerusalem: “As Jesus drew near, he saw Jerusalem and wept over it, saying, “If...
St. Cecilia

St. Cecilia

November 22nd is the feast day of St. Cecilia, the patron saint of music and musicians. She is one of the most famous of the Roman martyrs with her name being recounted in the Litany of the Saints. She is also a saint, for whom her story was passed on in oral...
What is Your Priority?

What is Your Priority?

Ten years ago, when I was attending classes at the Franciscan School of Theology in Berkeley, CA, one of my professors shared with us that when Franklin Roosevelt was president, he preferred attending a little church called St. John.  It bothered him that tourists...