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“Ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”  Is this really our experience?  I am sure that all of us have had the experience of asking for something in prayer and not receiving it.  We prayed for an answer on an exam...
When Anger is not Helpful

When Anger is not Helpful

A priest, on pilgrimage to the Holy Land, saw a rusty iron nail on the ground, next to one of the sacred monuments.  He picked it up and decided to keep it because it would remind him of the nails that pinned Jesus to the Cross.  Because he had a weakness for losing...
Comes the Spirit

Comes the Spirit

Today’s first reading is from one of my favorite books: The Book of Jonah. The book is only four chapters long and we are in Chapter 3. The whole Jonah and the “whale” have already happened, Jonah has traveled to Nineveh as a very reluctant prophet. Frankly Jonah...
Mission and Belonging

Mission and Belonging

“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.” It is a great passage, a great image, but… I suspect when we hear that word “yoked” a particular image comes...
Assisted Death

Assisted Death

Known by many names – Physician-Assisted Death/Suicide, Euthanasia, Dignity with Death – by whatever name, it is the planned termination of a life with the assistance (direct or indirect) of a doctor. It is not a question of end-of-life-care, decisions to...