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Lord Make me an Instrument of Your Peace

There is a chapter of the TV show the “Simpsons” in which Bart befriends a Muslim boy and Homero, Bart’s father, conditioned by the prejudices of society is suspect of the Middle East Muslim family because of their migrant status. In short, the episode highlights the...

Love your Enemies

In today’s Gospel we hear Jesus’ most difficult and challenging teaching: “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.” Jesus has already taught that God’s demand and will is summed up and focused in...

What Mary Has to Teach Us

Recently the administration of our Franciscan Province has initiated a “virtual wake service” for our deceased friars, where we friars can offer a reflection on the deceased friar’s life. This is what I wrote for Br. Vianney Justin… I always found Vianney to be one of...
What if….?

What if….?

This, the 20th anniversary of 9/11, brings back memories of “Where was I on 9/11. ”Indeed it was one of the worst days in our history as a nation. So many lives lost. We lost one of our very own parishioners that day at the Pentagon, David Laychak. On 9/11 2011, I was...

Principles of Conduct

Our first reading is a letter from St. Paul to the community of believers in Colassae. It was a community begun by a compatriot of Paul’s; a man named Epaphras who visited Paul in prison to give him a report on the community. He reports to Paul that the community is...