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St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Community

Be Part of Our Family

We are delighted that you are considering registering to be a parishioner of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church and belong to our parish family!


Worship with Us!

Saturday Vigil - 5:30 pm
Sunday - 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 am
5:30 pm (English)

Domingo -12:30 pm. Discover more...

The Word of God

Prepare to celebrate Mass by looking ahead to the readings for the celebration. The same USCCB site also has a complete listing of the Books of the Bible with introductions.
Readings for Mass

All the Details

Everything you might want to know: location, office hours, when the church is open, and contact portal to reach out to staff members. We can't wait to meet you.

Connect with Us

False Prophets

In today’s Gospel Jesus continues his Sermon on the Mount.  In his Sermon Jesus teaches what it...

The Path and The Gate

Now that I am over 60 years old my ankles and knees don’t function correctly anymore. So, I tend...

The Power

Today is the Solemnity of the Nativity of John the Baptist. The gospel reading is taken from Luke...

Heart and Treasures

Jesus states clearly the most important commandments in all of Scripture: love of God and love of...

The Sermon on the Mount: Prayer

An essential part of being a true human being, a religious person is maintaining a good...

Righteous Deeds

I have always wondered about the practice of nonprofit fundraising and especially large capital...

The New Love – Mature, Christian Love – The Cross

In the Old Testament everything about our relationship with God and others became reduced to...

Registration Open Now!

Register now for the 2024-2025 school year and take advantage of the discount available before August 1st. Click the image above to get started!

The Fullness of Dignity

Let the Church and all religious communities live out their faith in public and to serve the good of all.  Beginning June 22, our Bishops  invite all Catholics to pray, reflect, and act to promote religious freedom. Click the image above to learn more.

Knights Annual Fireworks Sale

Get your fireworks and be ready for Independence Day! At the same time help the parish via this annual fund raiser. Click the image above and get your discount Coupons!

Ongoing Parish Ministries

Francis House

The Francis House mission is to serve the many needs of the low-income, disadvantaged families in Eastern Prince William County. Support our ongoing work. Find out more here!

Homeless Shelter Meals

Support our bothers and sisters in need right here in Prince William County. Volunteer or donate – find out more here.

Groups and Ministries

Explore all the parish groups and ministries on the all-encompassing landing page. Connect and Belong!

Diocesan Announcements and Events

Bishop Burbidge's Podcast

Find Bishop Burbidge’s reflections, podcasts, and other information at The Walk Humbly Podcast.

Diocesan Events Calendar

Event listing include retreats, conferences, Masses, days of prayers, and events. Access the diocesan events calendar here.

Diocesan Jubilee

As part of our Jubilee celebrations, this year we focus on Mary, the Mediatrix of All Grace and the model disciple. Find out more here.