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St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Community

Be Part of Our Family

We are delighted that you are considering registering to be a parishioner of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church and belong to our parish family!


Worship with Us!

Saturday Vigil - 5:30 pm
Sunday - 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 am
5:30 pm (English)

Domingo -12:30 pm. Discover more...

The Word of God

Prepare to celebrate Mass by looking ahead to the readings for the celebration. The same USCCB site also has a complete listing of the Books of the Bible with introductions.
Readings for Mass

All the Details

Everything you might want to know: location, office hours, when the church is open, and contact portal to reach out to staff members. We can't wait to meet you.

Connect with Us

Our Justice Based on Our Jealousy and Vengeance

The parables of Jesus usually have outcomes that are surprising or even shocking. They tend to...

Two Neighbors: Lazarus and the Rich Man

This time of Lent is a season for conversion and deepening our commitment to our Christian life of...

Joseph, Son of David

Today we celebrate the Feast of Saint Joseph.  As we hear in today’s Gospel, Joseph was a son of...

The Folly of Empty Worship

Today’s gospel (Matthew 23:1-12) seems pretty clear in its intention: the burdens laid upon the...


In today’s Gospel Jesus calls us to be Godlike: “Be merciful, just as also your Father is...

Grace, Conversion and Anger

It is quite usual to hear someone confess the sin of anger. Afterall anger (or wrath) is one of...

Pray: Persistence and Hope

Once again in the Sermon on the Mount Jesus speaks to his disciple about prayer and attitude of...
Lent - 40 days of renewal

Calling All Christian Men

Join Us!

Tuesday, March 11th from 7:00 p.m.—9:00 p.m. in the Br. Juniper Room. No requirements - just an willing heart and a love of God. Want more information? Contact us here.

Groups and Ministries

Explore all the parish groups and ministries on the all-encompassing landing page. Connect and Belong! Click the image above to explore your opportunities to belong and contribute.

Backpack drive

Mass Intentions

The offering of Mass for particular intentions dates back to the early Church in the 2nd century. Find out more about the availability of a Mass Intention for your loved ones.

Ongoing Parish Ministries

Francis House

The Francis House mission is to serve the many needs of the low-income, disadvantaged families in Eastern Prince William County. Support our ongoing work. Find out more here!

Homeless Shelter Meals

Support our bothers and sisters in need right here in Prince William County. Volunteer or donate – find out more here.

Groups and Ministries

Explore all the parish groups and ministries on the all-encompassing landing page. Connect and Belong!

The Gospel Considered

Take a moment on the back porch to read a little more about the Sunday Gospel, watch a related video, and gain a little something to consider about this week’s Word of God. Get a cup of coffee and then click the image above.

Bible Study Made Easy

Explore the Bible, one book at a Time. Each week’s Zoom session with Fr. George is also posted online. Invest 30-45 minutes for an eternal reward!
See previous sessions here.

Liturgical Ministries

The parish Liturgical Ministers are faithful Catholic lay women and men, adults and teens who serve as Lectors, EMs, Altar Servers and Chior members. Learn more – click the image above.

Diocesan Announcements and Events

Bishop Burbidge's Podcast

Find Bishop Burbidge’s reflections, podcasts, and other information at The Walk Humbly Podcast.

Diocesan Events Calendar

Event listing include retreats, conferences, Masses, days of prayers, and events. Access the diocesan events calendar here.

Pastoral Letter

Click the image above to read Bishop Michael Burbidge’s Pastoral Letter on Immigration