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Help Make Christmas a Little Brighter

You can help! Please support the parish “Un-Trim-A-Tree Program.” Come to the trees in the vestibule of the church and take one of the ornament/tags.

This is our 18th year of support in providing assistance for families in need in the Dumfries, Triangle, and Quantico area. As well as gift items, this year we will also provide monetary donations to Birthright, Project Rachel and Gabriel, and Catholic Charities’ Migration and Refugee program. We will place trees decorated with tags in the vestibule of the church the weekend of November 20th-21st.

Our annual project is a labor of love with lots of moving part. You can help us in three ways:

  • Take a tag
  • Return the gift unwrapped with the tag taped to the gift
  • Please return all gifts by Sunday December 12th – at the latest!

Thank you for helping families make their Christmas just a little bit brighter.


What information is on the tag?

The tag includes information about the gift recipient (name, gender, age, their “wish list”) and some information to help us sort the gifts once you return them to the church. Want a great idea: tags are sometimes lost, so once you get the tag – use your cell phone to snap a picture.

What are some suggestions for gift for the Seniors?

Gift Ideas for Seniors

  • Toiletries: moisturizing lotion, soap on a rope, deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste or denture cleaner, conditioning shampoo, facial tissue, cologne, lipstick, nail polish.
  • Grooming Supplies: comb or hairbrush, hair accessories, hand mirror, electric razor.
  • Clothing: socks, slippers with non-skid soles, scarves, hats, mittens.
  • Throw for the sofa or bed.
  • Tote bag that attaches to walker or wheelchair.
    Earphones for the TV or radio.
    Lighted magnifying glass (include extra batteries).
    Large-print calendar with generous spaces for noting appointments and special occasions.
    All-occasion cards and stamps.
    Night lights (include replacement bulbs).
    Gift certificate to a drug store or other business that offers free delivery.
    Taxi gift certificate or book of tickets for accessible transportation.

Other Ideas

  •  Scented soaps or sachets for tucking into clothing drawers.
  • Large-print playing cards.
  • Costume jewelry or a colorful scarf.

Large gift bags needed for distribution!

Ideas de Regalos para las Personas de la Tercera Edad

  • Loción para el cuerpo
  • Jabón
  • Desodorante
  • Cepillo de dientes,  crema dental o limpiador de dentaduras
  • Shampoo y acondicionador
  • Colonia o perfume
  • Labiales, maquillaje o esmalte para las uñas
  • Peinetas, cepillo de pelo, espejos, accesorios para el cabello, rasuradoras manuales o eléctricas.
  • Medias, pantuflas con suela que no se resbale, bufandas, gorros, guantes.
  • Cobijas
  • Bolsos
  • Tarjetas y estampillas del correo
  • Lamparitas para la noche
  • Certificados para la droguería
  • Joyería
  • Calendarios
  • Audífonos para el televisor o el radio
  • Lupas para leer

Necesitamos bolsas grandes  de regalo para empacar

Once I have a tag from the tree, what’s next?
Take it home, shop for the gift and securely tape the tag to the present. And one more thing: please do not wrap the present!
Where do I drop off the present?
Gifts may be placed under the tree. The staff secures the gifts daily.
What is the deadline for returning the Gifts?

Please bring all the presents by Sunday, December 12th. This is very important as we have to separate, sort, and make delivery arrangements. After the due date, we can’t guarantee your gift will reach its destination.

Can I give additional items other than those requests on the tag?
Yes, we always welcome and make good use of additional presents.
Who can I contact for more information about this program?

Please contact Angelica Silva at (703) 221-6344 or (571) 409-8193 or [email protected].