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Adult Confirmation

“Then Peter and John laid their hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit” – Acts 8:14-17

Adult Confirmation

For baptized Catholic Adults, active in their faith, who have yet to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation. 

Before your family moved, you were in 5th grade and the diocese where you lived confirmed in high school. When you were beginning high school, the family moved and in that diocese they confirmed in 5th grade…and for a variety of reasons, you never received the Sacrament of Confirmation. It happens.

The Catholic Church urges you to be Confirmed, completing the Sacraments of Initiation, before celebrating the Sacrament of Marriage. This is often the point where Catholic adults prepare for Confirmation.

Already married? Let us know the details! We are here to assist.

Confirmation Sponsors

The primary role of a sponsor is to help in preparing the confirmandi and vouch for the readiness and beliefs of the candidates. Please read the frequently asked questions for more information about the role and requirements of being a Confirmation Sponsor.


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What is the role of the Sponsor?

The primary responsibility of the sponsor is to provide the candidate prayerful support and guidance in his or her Christian walk and to “take care that the confirmed person behaves as a true witness of Christ and faithfully fulfills the obligations inherent in this sacrament” (canon 892).

Being a sponsor is a lifelong commitment. A sponsor takes on the role of a spiritual parent who “brings the candidate to receive the sacrament, presents him to the minister for the anointing, and will later help him to fulfill his baptismal promises faithfully under the influence of the Holy Spirit” (Rite of Confirmation 5).

Some of the responsibilities of a sponsor to the candidate before Confirmation:

  • Be a convinced, enthusiastic Catholic who lives a life of faith, and is committed to fulfilling the responsibilities of a sponsor.
  • Pray regularly for and with the candidate, showing him/her how to pray by example.
  • Attend all the confirmation classes, retreats, or special liturgies offered.
  • Cultivate a supportive and encouraging relationship with the confirmand.
  • Be involved in the catechetical preparation of the candidate with great heart and dedication.
  • Have knowledge of the personal faith of the candidate and share your own faith experience.
  • Lead and guide the candidate to a personal relationship with the Lord and to a deeper familiarity “with the Holy Spirit—his actions, his gifts, and his biddings—in order to be more capable of assuming the apostolic responsibilities of Christian life” (CCC 1309).

Some of the responsibilities of a sponsor to the confirmed after Confirmation:

  • Maintain regular contact with the confirmed by phone, email. Also, sending a card on the anniversary of his/her confirmation.
  • Pray regularly for the confirmed and when possible pray with him/her.
  • Help the confirmed to learn how to experience a deeper prayer life.
  • Encourage participation in the life of the Church, especially through his/her parish.
    Continue ongoing catechesis (e.g., sharing good books) and be available for questions.
  • Help the confirmed to understand how to bear witness to Christ in the world and to fulfill his/her baptismal promises faithfully through the Holy Spirit.

How should we choose the Sponsor? Are there requirements?

Whether the candidates select very close friends or family members as their sponsor, it is a very personal decision. However, the Church does ask that certain requirements be met. In order to be a Catholic Sponsor, a person must be:

  • At least 16 years of age;
  • A practicing Catholic who is Baptized, Confirmed and has received First Holy Communion;
  • Someone other than the parents of the child;
  • If married, the marriage is Sacramentally blessed by the Catholic Church, and
  • Leading a life in harmony with the Catholic faith and the role they are about to assume.

Can I have more than one Sponsor?

It is the norm to only have one sponsor. But if there are special circumstances, please talk to Sheila Noble.

Does the Sponsor have to be Catholic?

Yes, a Sponsor, by definition, is necessarily Catholic.


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