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Rite of Christian Initiation for Children (RCIC)

RCIC for children is the process through which children are brought into full membership in the Catholic Church. Throughout the process of initiation, those seeking membership explore and share their own stories of faith as well as learn more about the Catholic way of life. RCIC for children begins by registering children 6-12 years of age that have not been baptized.

Please browse through the useful links below:

Application for Sacraments - Baptized
Applications for Sacraments - Non-Baptized
Confirmation Sponsor Form

We recognize that we live in a transient area and have families transfer in and out from all over the country and are also aware that other dioceses may prepare children for the sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation at different ages. Moving from one parish to another can be difficult. We are here to assist regardless of your family situation and will work with you whether your child has been baptized or not, whether they have attend Religious Education classes or not. Please don’t hesitate to contact us and let us know how we can help.
For more information, please contact Sheila Noble by email using the form below or by phone at 703-221-3127 ext. 238.

For more information on RCIC, please contact Sheila Noble:


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