Called to Serve
The Pastoral Council of St. Francis of Assisi Parish is seeking to fill six (6) seats for a three (3) year term in an October 21-29, 2023 parish-wide election.
Nominations closed at 3:00 pm on October 2, 2023. Elections will begin October 21st at 12:00 pm
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Who is eligible to be a pastoral council member?
Any registered parishioner who is
- 18 years of age or older,
- a baptized and confirmed Catholic,
- active and particpating in parish life, and
- willing to generously give of their time and talents
How often and when does the Council meet?
The Pastoral Council meets monthly and typically on a Saturday morning at 9:00 am.
What is the composition of the Council and are we electing a whole new council?
The Pastoral Council is comprised of the Pastor, select Parish Staff and 12 representatives elected from the parish at large. In order to ensure continuity as we emerge from our pandemic years, we are seeking to keep six representative and elect six new folks to serve.
How will we be able to know something about the candidates when it comes time for the election?
We are asking each candidate to fill out a candidate questionnaire on-line and submit the completed form along with a photograph. This information will be made available on the website, bulletin and in the vestibule of the church.
Can I nominate myself? Can I nominate others?
You absolutely can nominate yourself! While you can’t nominate another, you can certainly strongly encourage them to complete a candidate questionnaire!
When are nonimations required to be submitted
Completed questionnaires must be submitted by 3:00 pm on October 2, 2023.
Will all nominees stand for election?
All nominees will be reviewed by the Pastor and Nominating Committee and ten (10) will be selected for the October 2022 election
How will we be able to vote and when do the "polls close?"
We will have voting available online and by paper ballot. There is a process to ensure that all ballots are submitted by registered parishioners eligible to vote and that we adhere to one-person-one-vote.
The “polls will be open” at 12:00 pm October 21, 2023
The “polls close” Sunday October 29th at 6:30 pm.