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Men's Fellowship Ministry

Christian men in fellowship and faith, focused on scripture, family, and living lives giving glory to God.


Interested in being part of the fellowship group or have any questions about our ministry? Join our Flocknote group through which we provide weekly e-mails with content on faith, scripture, focused on upcoming Sunday readings. At our monthly meetings we explore our faith by discussing the topics covered in those weekly emails, including relevant videos and scripture. We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 7:00 to 9:00 PM in the Brother Juniper Room.

Contact UsJoin our Flocknote Group

Next in person meeting: April 8th in the Br. Juniper Room at 7:00 pm – bring a friend!

Week by Week in the Ministry

23rdMar :Video: Woman at the Well
Readings: 3rd Sunday in Lent
Learn More: Bible on the Back Porch
Bible Project: Scripture One Book at a Time

30thMar :Video: Getting the Most of Mass
Readings: 4th Sunday in Lent
Learn More: Bible on the Back Porch
Bible Project: Scripture One Book at a Time

6thApr :Video: The Raising of Lazarus
Readings: 5th Sunday in Lent
Learn More: Bible on the Back Porch
Bible Project: Scripture One Book at a Time

13thApr :Video: Why Men Need To Pray
Readings: Palm Sunday
Learn More: Bible on the Back Porch
Bible Project: : Scripture One Book at a Time

20thApr :Video: Evidence of the Resurrection
Readings: Easter Sunday
Learn More: Bible on the Back Porch
Bible Project: : Scripture One Book at a Time

27thApr :Videos: “Doubting Thomas or Witness of Christ” 
“Doubting Thomas, Babe Ruth, and The Resurrection”  
Readings: Divine Mercy Sunday 
Learn More: Bible on the Back Porch 
Bible Project: : Scripture One Book at a Time

4thMay :Video Why Is It So Hard To Forgive Yourself? 
Readings: 3rd Sunday of  Easter 
Learn More: Bible on the Back Porch 
Bible Project: : Scripture One Book at a Time

11thMay :Video: 5 Steps To Get the Most Out of Mass
Readings: 4th Sunday of  Easter
Learn More: Bible on the Back Porch
Bible Project: : Scripture One Book at a Time

18thMay :Video: The Importance of Fatherhood
Readings: 5th Sunday of  Easter
Learn More: Bible on the Back Porch
Bible Project: : Scripture One Book at a Time

25thMay :Video: Does Everything Happen For A Reason?
Readings: 6th Sunday After Easter
Learn More: Bible on the Back Porch
Bible Project: : Scripture One Book at a Time

1stJun :Video: Why Did Jesus Ascend Into Heaven?
Readings: The Ascension of the Lord 
Learn More: Bible on the Back Porch
Bible Project: : Scripture One Book at a Time

Watch the video to learn more about the Men’s Fellowship Group

Men's Fellowship Ministry

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