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Ministry of Hospitality

Welcoming and serving the Faithful at Mass
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Who We Are

While everyone is called to be a Minster of Hospitality, welcoming all in the name and love of Christ – we are faithful Catholic lay women and men, adults and teens, active in our Faith, who often serve as the first greeting.

When We Serve

We serve at weekend Masses, special liturgies, holy days, Christmas, Holy Week, Easter and whenever the pastor anticipates the need of our services.

How We Serve

We serve in a dual role: usher and greeter. In the traditional role of usher we assist with seating, taking up the Offertory, and guiding folks to Eucharist. As greeters we are the wecloming and inviting presence of the parish to all.

What Is Necessary?

Each Usher must complete the training offered by the parish and be willing to regularly serve as and when needed.

First Accord - not visible

Our Mission

The message of the Gospel and the kingdom of heaven is for everyone. God’s love is for all people, whatever their culture, age, economic status, sexual orientation, physical, mental or social wellbeing. Each time we gather around the Eucharistic Table, we celebrate that all people are equal in God’s eyes.

With this awareness of God’s all-encompassing love, those specifically designated to serve in this ministry, regularly remind us of our call to this God-like spirit. They not only welcome the stranger, but they also awaken within us our oneness in Christ. They don’t just serve individual needs; they serve the health and wholeness of the entire community.


An adult or older teen serious about the practice of their faith who already fully and actively participates in the Mass.

A person comfortable in their very public role in this Ministry of Hospitality, willing to answer questions, find answers, and direct the inquirer to helpful resources.

Someone willing to participate in initial and subsequent training programs as required by the parish.

Ministry of Hospitality

St. Francis of Assisi parish views the role of this ministry as more than traditional usher duties. It is a role that is “first contact” for visitors and the welcoming presence to our parishioners.

A description of duties

Ministers serve as a welcoming presence to all arriving for Mass. As the church seating becomes limited, assists with seating – or when Mass has already begun helps direct people to seats (but at appropriate times). The minister assists with collections, presentation of the gifts, and directing the flow of parishioners to receive the Eucharist. At the end of Mass, the ministers may be called upon to distribute flyers or other materials. After Mass, the ministers make a quick pass through the sanctuary to gather left-behind items and restore hymnals, etc. in their proper place.