Who We Are
We are faithful Catholic lay women and men, adults and teens, active in our Faith.
When We Serve
We serve at weekend Masses, special liturgies, holy days, Christmas, Holy Week, Easter and whenever the Holy Mass is celebrated for the parish.
How We Serve
We assist the presiding priest in the distribution of the Precious Body and Blood of the Eucharist during Mass.
What Is Necessary?
Each Eucharistic Minister must complete the training offered by the parish and be willing to regularly serve when needed.
First Accord - not visible
Our Mission
Our mission is to bring the sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ to the People of God. It is also the ministry of witnessing to faith in the real presence of Christ in the action of sharing in the Eucharistic meal of Christ’s sacrifice. The ministry of the Eucharist is of utmost dignity and reverence.
An adult or teen (age 16 or older) already in full communion with the Church through the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation..
A person serious about the practice of their faith who already fully and actively participates in the Mass.
Someone willing to participate in initial and subsequent training programs as required by the parish.
Other Names
This ministry is also referred to as Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist. The celebrating/presiding clergy is the Ordinary Minister of the Eucharist, thus the term “extraordinary” keeps clear the distinction in roles. Where one is universal, the other is in service to their local parish only.
A description of duties
The Eucharistic Minister (EM) serves during the Liturgy of the Eucharist in the distribution of the Precious Body and Blood of Jesus. EMs are required to be present well before the start of Mass, be modestly dressed, and be reverent while ministering the great sacrament.