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Decor and Environment

Marking the change of Liturgical Seasons
Contact Us

Who We Are

We are faithful Catholic lay women and men, adults and teens, active in our Faith.

When We Serve

We serve in anticipation of the upcoming changes needed for the Seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, Holy Week, Ordinary Times, and all the special celebrations in between.

How We Serve

We plan and implement the changes to the decor of sanctuary, following the Seasons of the Church.

What Is Necessary?

Ministerial skills are many. Each one’s gifts from planning, to decorating, to providing helping hands and more – all are part of the mosaic of this ministry.

First Accord - not visible

Our Mission

The Liturgical Decor and Environment Ministry is called to serve the parish in preparing an environment for worship that will invite the community to raise their hearts and minds to God in full, conscious and active participation. The goal is to care for all the elements of worship ensuring that the environment is appropriate, authentic, beautiful and accessible.


An adult or teen serious about the practice of their faith who already fully and actively participates in the Mass.

A person who possesses a sense of “beauty” and is willing to place their sense at the service of the parish. Or a person willing to volunteer their hearts and hands.

Previous experience is a plus, but not required.

Other Names

This ministry has many names, but all are associated with the decoration of the church sanctuary in consonance with the flow of the liturgial seasons: decor, decorating, environment, and more.

A description of duties

The kind of person interested in this ministry tends to enjoy learning more about the liturgical seasons and tends to enjoy art, crafts, sewing, building, painting, hanging lights on Christmas trees, arranging and watering flowers.

There are many levels of commitment. We have planners, artists, writers, and also a cadre of people who come to help install or put away as the seasons change.

During Ordinary Time we need flower arrangers to explore our extensive collection of artificial flowers to make arrangements. During Easter and Christmas we need people to arrange and care for live flowers.

We have planning meetings a few times a year. Much of the production or flower arranging can be done at your convenience. People work on projects at home, at church, alone, with a partner, or in a group. We have people from 18 to 80 in our ministry with all levels of talent and desire to help. The time commitment tends to consolidate around the change of seasons.

In addition to the work of the committee we have a need for crafts people who are willing to take on an occasional project as sewers, painters, builders, and the like.