Liturgical Ministries Contact Form Serving the People in Worship of God "*" indicates required fields Your Name* First Last Email* Enter Email Confirm Email Which ministry(s) are you interested in? Eucharistic Minister at Mass Lector/Reader Altar Server Usher/Greeter Sacristan Liturgical Environment/Decor The Masses you are willing to serve Saturday Vigil @ 5:30 pm Sunday Morning @ 8:00 am Sunday Morning @ 9:30 am Sunday Morning @ 11:00 am Sunday Afternoon @ 12:30 pm (Spanish) Sunday Evening @ 5:30 pm Please indicate all the Masses at which you might be willing to serve. Thank you. Your flexibility is appreciatedMobile Phone*Name of Altar Server Candidate First Last Are other family members serving?YesNoMaybeLet us know if other family members are already serving in a liturgical ministry or are planning to. You can provide details in the note section below.Are you already registered with the parish? Yes! Just moved into the area - not yet Please include information about registering What is the best time to reach you by phone? Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Let us know if you have any specific question or special information you would like us to know.CAPTCHAPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ