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Ministry of Altar Server

Serving the People in assisting the Priest
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Who We Are

We are faithful Catholic youth and teens, young women and men active in our Faith and willing to serve.

When We Serve

We serve at weekend Masses, special liturgies, holy days, Christmas, Holy Week, Easter and whenever the parish is in need of our services.

How We Serve

We assist the Priest and Deacon in all phases of the celebration of the Mass from begining to end.

What Is Necessary?

Each Altar Server must complete the training offered by the parish, be willing to regularly serve when needed and serve reverently.

First Accord - not visible

Our Mission

The server is a member of the assembly who assists the priest and deacon during the Eucharist and other liturgical ceremonies so that the liturgy can be conducted with grace and reverence. Servers are expected to be appropriately prepared, committed to giving their time and talent to their parish community, and willing to serve God’s people. They should  understand the Eucharistic celebration and the other sacred rites.


A young person (grade 5 or older) who has received the Sacrament of First Eucharist and Reconciliation.

A person serious about the practice of their faith who already fully and actively participates in the Mass

A person comfortable serving in the public eye of the worshipping community.

Someone willing to participate in initial and subsequent training programs as required by the parish.

Previous experience is a plus, but not required.

A description of duties

An altar server arrives 15 minutes before Mass to be dressed in alb and cinture, and in order to receive any special instructions for the particular Mass.

The altar server participates in the processions, assisting at the presentation of the Gifts, setting the altar for the Liturgy of the Eucharist, and other duties as required for the particular Mass.