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Eucharistic Ministry to the Homebound

Bringing Holy Communion to our homebound neighbors and family
Request a home visitJoin the Ministry

Who we Serve

Our Homebound Ministry brings the Eucharist to our parish members and other Catholics who are unable to join our community at Sunday Mass. Many of those we visit are parishioners who are homebound for any number of reasons, but our homebound visits also include those in local assisted living facilities, residential care and rehabilitation facilities within our parish boundaries. These good people are our neighbors but might also be family members who live in our same household. The Ministry to the Homebound is committed to serving our extended community and our family.

Let us know about a homebound parishioner

Is someone you know a homebound Catholic who would like to receive Eucharist? Let us know by either completing the form below or contact us at the parish office (703-221-4044)

Become a Minister to the Homebound:

Is God calling you to bring Christ in the Eucharist to those unable to join us for Sunday Mass? Homebound Ministers receive Initial Training and Ongoing Support and are commissioned as Eucharistic Ministers in order to perform this important and rewarding service to others. If you are interested in the Ministry or just want to know more please contact us at the parish.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there requirements to become a Eucharistic Minister to the Homebound?

Yes. The volunteer must be at least 18 years of age, a registered parishioner, actively practicing the faith, and have been Confirmed. In addition the volunteer must be qualified under the parish’s Safe Environment program.

Is it necessary to join the Ministry in order to take the Eucharist to a family member in the same household?

Yes – let us explain. We want to know that a member of your household is homebound. Also, you still are required to be formed as a Eucharistic Minister. If the person lives in the same household then the Safe Environment training requirements do not apply. If the family member does not live in the same household, then we need to discuss the details with you. For example, there is a difference between your parents who live in their own household and those who live in an assisted living facility.

Will there be training and formation as a Eucharistic Minister?

Yes. There is training, on-going formation, and a formal commissioning. This is an important ministry that should be done well and held in high esteem by the parish.

Request a Home Visit by a Eucharistic Minister

"*" indicates required fields

The Person to be visited

Are they a registered parishioner?*
May we contact the person directly?
Is the livestream mass from St. Francis viewed in their home?*
Is this person aware of the request?*

What is your relationship to this person?*

Let is know if there are any special medical precautions (e.g. covid), special circumstances (e.g. hard of hearing, limited eyesight), and any other information that might be helpful.

The Person Requesting the Visit

Do you live with the person?*
Are you registered at St. Francis*

Would you be interested in joining this ministry?*

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Join the Ministry

"*" indicates required fields

Are you already a registered parishioner?*

Are you.... (check all that apply)*
Ministry Preference
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.