Flocknote Group Admin Info Page
A Basic Introduction to Flocknote
This page contains a range of videos that explain the features and functions of Flocknote. The video to the left is a very basic introduction to the system done by the founder. The videos immediately below are some basics information about emails and text messages. There is also some very basic FAQs.
In the video section that follows, the “inner workings” of the system are discussed. Here is where a Parish molds the software to meet the unique needs of the parish. Group Managers and System Adminstrators will find great information there.
Who can do what in the system? Read more here.
Training Videos for Group Admins and System Administrators
What is the difference between “Group Admins” and “System Admins”? Take a look at the explanation here.
When a parish wants to launch Flocknote there are often folks who respond:
“I already email my people with Outlook.”
“Text messaging will be too disruptive.”
“No one will want to give us their information.”
“My ministry doesn’t need something like Flocknote.”
While there are lots of ways to communicate, there are reasons so many churches have turned to Flocknote for help in reaching their people and why they’ve been so successful.