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Renew and deepen your love for Christ


Discovering Christ, the first part of ChristLife begins January 16, 2025.

We were delayed starting by one week due to the recent snow fall, icing and freezing conditions.

The program is seven (7) Thursday evenings (6:30-9:00pm) until February 20th with a retreat day on February 8th.  Cost per person is $40.

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ChristLife is a lay Catholic ministry established in 1995 in response to the Church’s call to a New Evangelization. Their vision is to equip Catholics for the essential work of evangelization so that others might come to know personally the love of God through Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit, becoming his followers and members of the Church.

Watch the invitation video and see information for ChristLife at St. Francis below. Please contact Sheila Noble ([email protected]) for further information or questions.

ChristLife is broken into three sections: Discovering ChristFollowing Christ, and Sharing Christ. Each section consists of seven weekly sessions which meet on Thursday evenings and one retreat day following the 5th session. The following topics are presented and discussed during each series of sessions:

Discovering Christ

Participants in this 7-week series will meet in-person on Thursday evenings to enjoy fellowship, listen to a dynamic teaching and join in a small group discussion about the meaning of life in Jesus Christ.

Discovering Christ Sessions

  1. What Is the Meaning of Life?
  2. Why Does Jesus Matter?
  3. What Does Jesus Want Us To Know?
  4. Why Do I Need a Savior?
  5. Why Is the Resurrection Important for Us?
  6. Who Is the Holy Spirit?
  7. The Holy Spirit and You!
  8. New Life in the Spirit: Being a Catholic Disciple
  9. Believing and Belonging: Why We Need the Church

The follow-on program is Following Christ Sessions

  1. Daily Personal Prayer
  2. Hearing God in Scripture
  3. The Power of the Sacraments
  4. Forgiving One Another
  5. The Spirit-Empowered Life
  6. Retreat: The World
  7. Retreat: The Flesh
  8. Retreat: The Devil
  9. Advancing the Mission of the Church
  10. Celebration Session

Sharing Christ Sessions

  1. Called to Share Christ
  2. Befriending Others
  3. Sharing Your Story
  4. The Power to Share Christ
  5. Presenting the Good News
  6. Inviting Others to Meet Jesus
  7. Retreat: Put Out Into the Deep For a Catch

Christ Life

A contact form for inquiring about the Christ Life program

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