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St. Francis of Assisi

Vacation Bible School


June 17th through June 21st
9:00 am to 12:00 noon each day


Pre-k through 5th Grade

Come Join the Fun!


If you are a family that is part of either Children’s Faith Formation or St. Francis of Assis School, it is very likely that you already receive Flocknote emails and text messages from the parish, but if not, please sign up to be part of Flocknote as we use Flocknote for the registration as well as program communications. But otherwise, if you are good-to-go, please click the button to register your children.

If you click the above button and discover you are already part of St. Francis Flocknote, just close the window/tab, return to this page and register for VBS!

Registration will close at 6:00 pm on June 10th.

Dive Below the Surface to Build a Strong Faith

Take kids deep into an amazing undersea adventure where they’ll experience the ever-flowing, never-ending love of God. At Scuba VBS, kids will be immersed in the Sacred Scripture and discover what living water is really all about!

A Day at Scuba VBS

Each day at Scuba VBS, kids launch into field-tested rotations that reinforce key teachings from Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition and immerse kids in new adventures.

Surf the Sound Waves of Scuba VBS Music

With worship, praise, energy, and fun written into every song, Totally Catholic Scuba Vacation Bible School music will be a favorite of kids and parents alike.

One quick thing before registration….

As part of the registration, we will ask you about three sets of permissions regarding the participation of your children in the VBS program. The text associated with those permissions is listed here.

Please read before moving to the registration page where you will accept or decline the permissions as part of registration.

Permission to participate in Vacation Bible School

Permission for my child(ren) to use all the play equipment and participate in all the activities of the parish VBS Program

Video and Photography Release

The Diocese of Arlington and any of its parishes, schools and faith formation may produce or participate in videotape, audio recording, Internet (i.e., Website) or still photograph productions that may involve the use of students’ names, likenesses, or voices. Such productions may be used for educational and/or school and/or parish marketing purposes and may be copied or copyrighted with the parish retaining any and all rights to such productions. You have the right to object to the use of your child’s name, picture, or voice in these productions and may do so by indicating “No”.

Limited Power of Attorney for Emergency Medical Care Authorization

I hereby give my permission for my child(ren) enrolled in Faith Formation to be given emergency treatment to include first aid and/or CPR by a trained and qualified staff member or the local rescue unit. I further authorize and consent to medical, surgical, and hospital care, treatment, and procedures to be performed for my child(ren) by a licensed physician or hospital when deemed immediately necessary or advisable to safeguard my child’s health in the event I cannot be contacted. I waive my right of informed consent to such treatment should an accident and/or illness require immediate medical attention. I acknowledge it is my responsibility to keep this medical emergency information and all other information concerning my child(ren) current throughout my child’s enrollment in the Religious Education/Faith Formation program. I authorize the sharing of necessary information included in this document with staff that need to know how to provide a safe and healthy environment for my child(ren). I accept all financial responsibility for any and all care/services rendered and indemnify Saint Francis of Assisi Parish therefore. Further, I released Saint Francis of Assisi Parish from any and all liability arising out of any act or omission hereunder.