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Friar Reflection

Centering in God

Often the incident in today’s Gospel is used to justify taxes or it is used to promote a separation of religious values and duties from civil values and duties. But neither of those interpretations...

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Being Fully Alive

It is but a simple, single verse from our first reading (2 Peter 1:2-7): God “...has bestowed on us the precious and very great promises, so that through them you may come to share in the divine...

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Aliens and Sojourners

Last week I traveled to a cemetery close to Boston for the burial of a friend. Then I took advantage of the long holiday weekend to visit my hometown and family in the Adirondack Mountains. Spring...

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Glory or Humility

The disciples, perhaps like most of us, tend to “half-hear” what Jesus is teaching.  In today’s Gospel, for example, Jesus teaches that his way is the way of humility, the way of the Cross: “Behold,...

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So Great a Gift

Following from yesterday’s readings, today we continue with Peter’s first letter. Previously, Peter had challenged believers to experience the joy of such a great faith. His admonishment was to be...

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