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Friar Reflection

Obeying God

Obeying God

Today’s first reading from Acts teaches that God’s authority comes first before human authorities, be they political or religious.  When Peter is ordered by the Jewish religious authorities, the...

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Living the Light

Living the Light

Pamela Addison never expected to be a widow at 36. Just two years ago, she held her six-month -old son and two-year old daughter and watched helplessly as paramedics rushed her husband Martin to the...

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The Ideal Community

The Ideal Community

Luke, in today’s first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, gives us a summary description of the life of the first Christian community in Jerusalem: “The community of believers was of one heart...

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It’s About Courage

It’s About Courage

Despite the warning of the Sanhedrin to speak no more, the disciples continued to preach the Gospel message. They had the conviction of the power of God.  Once the papal envoy threatened Martin...

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Where is the Risen Christ?

Where is the Risen Christ?

This first week of Easter we have been listening to how the first disciples experienced the risen Christ in their lives. It is amazing to see how the risen Christ is in all aspects of their lives –...

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The Breaking of the Bread

The Breaking of the Bread

Today’s Gospel is the story of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus and how they came to recognize Jesus in the “Breaking of the Bread.”  The phrase “Breaking of the Bread” was an early Christian...

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Mary Magdalene’s Tears

Mary Magdalene’s Tears

Pope Francis pointed out a while ago that Mary Magdalene’s reality was changed after she washed Jesus’ feet with her tears. Looking at her life and reality through the prism of tears of regret for...

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It’s About Easter Joy

It’s About Easter Joy

The story today in the Gospel tells us of the experience of the two Mary’s, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, as they encounter the risen Lord. As we hear this story three things stand out, They...

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Outside the Light

Outside the Light

The gospel readings in Holy week always speak about Judas and his betrayal of Jesus. The Gospel of Mark, for example, gives no motivation for Judas’s sudden betrayal. Matthew, writing a decade or so...

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A Model to Follow

A Model to Follow

Jesus, after he washed the feet of his disciples, declared: “Do you realize what I have done for you?  You call me ‘teacher’ and ‘master,’ and rightly so, for indeed I am.  If I, therefore, the...

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Eternal Life

Eternal Life

Jesus declares in today’s Gospel: “Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever keeps my word will never see death.”  The way to eternal life is through not only hearing Jesus’ words but putting them into...

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