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Friar Reflection

Wisdom of Sirach

Wisdom of Sirach

The first reading for today comes from the Book of Sirach (also known as the Wisdom of Ben Sira and as Ecclesiasticus, or more literally, “Church Book.”) The author, a sage who lived in Jerusalem,...

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Today we celebrate both Memorial Day and the Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of the Church.  In today’s Gospel Jesus hands over the care of his mother to the Beloved Disciple: “When...

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The Demands of Love

The Demands of Love

Jesus asks Peter three questions: Do you love these more than these?  They were in a boat and Jesus may have been referring to the fishing equipment and the catch of fish.  He may have been asking...

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Jesus Prays

Jesus Prays

In today’s Gospel Jesus continues the prayer he began in yesterday’s Gospel.  Jesus began his prayer yesterday with praise of God, his heavenly Father: “Jesus raised his eyes to heaven and said,...

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Being Vigilant

Being Vigilant

In today’s first reading, St. Paul warns the nascent Christian community of Melitus, “Know that after my departure savage wolves will come among you, and they will not spare the flock. And from your...

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Incomplete Christians

Incomplete Christians

In the first reading for today, St. Paul met some men who, as William Barclay notes, were incomplete Christians. They had received the baptism of John but they did not even know of the Holy Spirit...

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Joy In the Resurrection

Joy In the Resurrection

We are nearing the end of the Easter season for this year. Jesus prepares his disciples for his passion, death, and resurrection in today’s Gospel by announcing that their grief will be changed into...

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It’s About Sin

It’s About Sin

Today’s Gospel is one of the more difficult ones to hear proclaimed. It’s about judgement and sin. It tells us three things about the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will convict men, mankind, of sin....

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The Advocate

The Advocate

In today’s Gospel Jesus promises to send “the Advocate,” that is the holy Spirit.  The Greek word John used here is Parakletos (Paraclete).  Sometimes this Greek word is translated as Advocate as...

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