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Friar Reflection

Astonished and Amazed

Astonished and Amazed

Many people experience life as boring, a routine sameness that repeats itself season after season. This attitude can even invade our relationship with God. The life of the Jewish people in the times...

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A Necessary Tuneup

A Necessary Tuneup

In our gospel from today’s readings, we find a powerful and transformative moment in the life of Jesus. He has returned to his hometown of Nazareth, and on the Sabbath day, he enters the synagogue....

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The opening words to our first reading is strong: "You duped me, O LORD, and I let myself be duped” Wow…strong words from the prophet Jeremiah.  Duped, tricked, suckered, fooled, hoodwinked.  No one...

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The Coming of the Lord

The Coming of the Lord

In today’s first reading Paul talks about the “Coming of the Lord.”  The Greek word he uses is Parousia which in turn is translated into Latin as Adventus.  The term originally referred to the...

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This is the last of seven woes that Jesus pronounces in the 23rd chapter of Matthew. All are directed at the formal religious leaders of the time. “Woe” is an exclamation of distress or sorrow. Woe...

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Denouncing the Prophet

Denouncing the Prophet

Today is the Memorial of the Passion of Saint John the Baptist. The gospel reading, from Mark, is the familiar account of Herod’s step-daughter asking for the head of John the Baptist. “Herod was...

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Faith, Hope, Love

Faith, Hope, Love

In today’s first reading we hear Paul giving thanks for the faith, hope, and love of the Thessalonian community: “We give thanks to God always for all of you, remembering you in our prayers,...

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The Book of Ruth

The Book of Ruth

The first reading today comes from the Book of Ruth, named for the Moabite woman who commits herself to the Israelite people by an oath to her mother-in-law Naomi and becomes the great-grandmother...

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Personal Qualities

Personal Qualities

Bartholomew is the Nathaniel that we see in today’s Gospel. When Philip comes to Bartholomew with the news that he had found the savior, Bartholomew makes the famous statement: Can anything good...

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A Parable of Ambition

A Parable of Ambition

The first reading today is from the Book of Judges and is a marvelous parable for its time in Israel’s history. Please take a moment to read the verses known as the Parable of the Trees. The Book of...

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Prayer and Service

Prayer and Service

One week after our celebration of the Assumption of Mary we have today’s celebration for the Queenship of Mary which closes a whole week of celebration for Mary. Our modern society does not favor...

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