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Friar Reflection

Sin and Grace

Sin and Grace

In yesterday’s reading St. Paul writes that “Through one man sin entered the world, and through sin, death and thus death came to all men, inasmuch (houtōs) as all sinned.” If you are interested in...

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Today’s first reading is from St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans, one of the most challenging and complex of all the New Testament books - and addresses an equally complex character in the person of...

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Justification by Faith

Justification by Faith

Today we continue reading from Paul’s letter to the Romans.  Today’s passage is the key passage in all of Romans.  Paul declares, “[All] are justified freely by his [God’s] grace through redemption...

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Today is the Feast of St. Luke, the Evangelist.  Today’s Gospel is taken from the Gospel that Luke wrote.  He not only wrote the Gospel that bears his name but also the Acts of the Apostles.  His...

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The Obedience of Faith

The Obedience of Faith

Today’s first reading is from St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans, one of the most challenging and complex of all the New Testament books. The reading is from the opening of Romans and contains what is...

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The Heart: Law or Mercy

The Heart: Law or Mercy

An expert in religious law asks Jesus a question: how to get into heaven? Jesus does not answer the question but has the expert answer his own question. His answer is: love God and love your...

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Nagging Prayer

Nagging Prayer

In today’s Gospel Jesus continues his teaching on prayer.  In yesterday’s Gospel Jesus’ disciples ask him to teach them how to pray after Jesus himself had just finished praying.  He taught them the...

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Justice and Mercy

Justice and Mercy

The book of Jonah is not history, nor is it a fish tale.  The prophetic book is best viewed as a parable.  It is a story of God’s justice but even more of God’s mercy.  As we hear in today’s first...

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