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Friar Reflection

God of Mercy

God of Mercy

“The Lord is gracious and merciful.”  This is the proclamation in today’s Responsorial Psalm.  In this Psalm we give praise and thanks to God.  This psalm proclaims: “The Lord is gracious and...

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Who is like our God?

Who is like our God?

Our first reading is taken from the 40th Chapter of the Prophet Isaiah - a chapter we have been reading for more than a week now. Taken a moment to quickly read over Isaiah 40 and you will note how...

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“Who but God alone can forgive sins?”  In today’s Gospel some scribes and some Pharisees accuse Jesus of blasphemy because he said to the paralytic, “As for you, your sins are forgiven.”  Jesus...

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The Banquet

The Banquet

The first reading today again comes from the Prophet Isaiah. In yesterday’s post what has been, in times past, promised and announced, comes to fruition as the Promise One is depicted as ruling. In...

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Lord, I Am Not Worthy!

Lord, I Am Not Worthy!

The words of the Centurion in today’s Gospel are words that are very familiar to us.  While he desires Jesus to heal his servant, the Centurion objects: “Lord, I am not worthy to have you enter...

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According to the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, Jesus called Peter and Andrew when they were together mending their fishing nets. The Gospel of John has a slight variation. John the Baptist...

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Giving Testimony

Giving Testimony

The gospel readings so far this week have been from Luke 21, a chapter that is prophetic, apocalyptic, and sometimes seen as Wisdom literature. The context is in the middle of the last week of...

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Constancy and Hope

Constancy and Hope

This last week of the liturgical year we continue to reflect on the end times. Our concerns about the end times center around when, how, what the end will happen. Just the thought of the end of the...

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A Poor Widow

A Poor Widow

The poor widow in today’s Gospel is often held up as the model of generosity and church giving.  But there might be more than meets the eye in today’s Gospel passage.  The Gospel is more a warning...

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