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Friar Reflection



Both of today’s readings tell the story of rejection.  In the first reading from Genesis, Joseph is rejected by his other brothers.  His brothers “hated him” out of jealously because his father...

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Today’s readings are all about trust.  Whom or what do we and should we trust?  The first reading from the prophet Jeremiah challenges us to trust not in human beings but in the Lord.  The prophet...

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I am a bit troubled by today’s readings. The gospel is this uncomfortable sequence in which Jesus, for the third time, has told his disciples “Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests and...

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Ashes and Blessings

Ashes and Blessings

This past Ash Wednesday all were welcomed to receive ashes since all of us are both saints and sinners. As we receive ashes  Jesus invites us to “Repent and believe in the Gospel,” or “Turn and put...

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