This parable is so shocking. Seemingly it makes no sense at all. It goes against all our human sense of logic, justice, and order. How could those who worked less receive the same payment as those...
Friar Reflection
Bonfire of Our Vanities
The first reading is from the Prophet Ezekiel from a larger section known as the “Oracles Against the Nations.” In our reading the charge leveled against the prince of Tyre is simple and direct: you...
Treasure in Heaven
In today’s Gospel a young man asks a question that all of us have asked: “Teacher, what good must I do to gain eternal life?” Jesus’ reply might surprise and even shock us: “Why do you ask me about...
God’s Vision
Jesus responds to the disciples’ question about divorce and marriage in a very direct and clear way. It is a response that goes beyond the tradition in Israel at the time. Jesus looks at us and the...
Today we celebrate the Feast of the Assumption. As we hear in today’s Gospel, Mary is “blessed…among women.” Elizabeth goes on to exclaim, “blessed is the fruit of your womb.” Elizabeth also...
In today’s Gospel Jesus teaches us about forgiveness and fraternal correction. He lays out a clear and precise procedure: “If your brother or sister sins again you…”. The first step is to speak to...
Teaching On The Way To Jerusalem
After the Transfiguration takes the road to Jerusalem and his eventual passion, death, and resurrection. Along the way there are no more large crowds, big miracles, or big sermons, rather he...
A week with Ezekiel
Beginning today, Monday, and continuing until August 24th, with the exception of some solemnities, Sundays, feast/memorial celebrations, our first reading is from the Prophet Ezekiel. It is a dense...
The True Cross
The image above is a painting, “Finding of the True Cross” by Agnolo Gaddi. It came to mind when preparing for this reflection and as a popular expression came to mind: “that’s their cross to bear.”...
Suffering Servant or Political Messiah King
The profession of faith by Peter in today’s passage from the Gospel is a culmination point in the first section of the Gospel. Everything that comes before this moment in the Gospel, all Jesus’...
The Outsider
In today’s Gospel a woman asks for compassion and mercy and Jesus answers not a word. She is an “outsider,” a Canaanite woman seeking Jesus’ help: “Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David! My...
Transfiguration of Ourselves and Our World Through the Cross
On the road to Jerusalem para the feast of Passover, the disciples of Jesus were filled wonder from all the marvelous deeds, healings, actions, and words of Jesus. They had very high expectations...