Scripture: One Book at a Time
The whole of Sacred Scripture is a single narrative that promises and points to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of the World. It is an epic story, the greatest ever told, and told "one book at a time." Each book makes it contribution to the narrative as God reveals God's self to us and his desire that all be saved.

Lesson 48 – The Gospel of Mark
The Gospel of Mark is the shortest of the gospels whose author is technically anonymous but tradition has, since the 2nd century AD, assigned authorship to John Mark – cousin to Barnabus and companion to Peter in Rome. The 2nd century churchmen, Papius, notes that Mark collected stories and accounts of Jesus from Peter and assembled them in a narrative that announced: “The beginning of the euvangelian [good news, gospel] of Jesus Christ the Son of God” (Mark 1:1)