Scripture: One Book at a Time
The whole of Sacred Scripture is a single narrative that promises and points to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of the World. It is an epic story, the greatest ever told, and told "one book at a time." Each book makes it contribution to the narrative as God reveals God's self to us and his desire that all be saved.

Lesson 27: Jeremiah
The Prophet Jeremiah
The Book of Jeremiah chronicles the ministry of one of the Lord’s greatest prophets who was called to his ministry in the midst of a turning point in Judah/Jerusalem’s history. There had been one bad king after another sitting on the throne of David, but with the ascent of King Josiah there was hope. He was a king whose heart was turned to the Lord. He intiated religious and civil reforms to turns people’s hearts to God. It was in these hopeful times that Jeremiah appeared on the scene.
But Josiah was the last of the kings with heart for God. The reforms were quickly undone. Jeremiah proclaimed the need to repent, the coming judgment and the impending doom if the people did not return to the Covenant. Jeremiah was the last and the great prophet who ministry ended with Babylon’s destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple.
Enjoy the video, but take a moment to read:
Introduction to Isaiah Chapters 40-66
For those who would like to explore details of this book, please consider videos from Fr. Mike Schmitz’s “Bible in a Year” program. You can find the entire playlist here.