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On the Back Porch

Reading, pondering and studying God’s Word is sometimes best done “on the back porch.” Each week we will try to offer something for you and your “back porch time.”

Easter Sunday, Year B

What We Celebrate

All the gospel accounts of Easter Sunday are focused on the discovery of the empty tomb,  the message received, and what next unfolds. The gospels vary in some detail but all encounter the empty tomb. Here in Lectionary Cycle B, the Easter gospel is taken from John. The narrative focuses on the responses of Mary Magdalene, Peter, and the “other disciple.” They have no category of understanding with which to grasp the Resurrection and yet at least one “saw and believed.” As always – a lot going on. Take some time and sort through it all in the comfort of your back porch.

Full Text of the Easter Sunday Readings

Detailed Commentary on the Easter Sunday Gospel

Bishop Barron’s Easter Homily (2021)

On the reality of the Resurrection as a historical event. In the course of his homily Bishop Barron addresses the modernist view of the Resurrection as myth while pointing to the historicity of the account of the Empty Tomb as he tells the story of the proclamation of the Resurrection in the life of the early Church.