On the Back Porch
Reading, pondering and studying God’s Word is sometimes best done “on the back porch.” Each week we will try to offer something for you and your “back porch time.”

5th Sunday of Easter

The Gate
In the gospel for the 5th Sunday is part of a larger section which includes the Last Supper and all that takes place after Jesus had washed the disciples feet, after Judas had left the table, and after Peter’s protestations he would never betray Jesus. The section comes before the disciples see their master led away for trial; then be condemned to death on a cross. Their faith will be sorely tested. Jesus’ teaching, beginning in 14:1, was given to strengthen for the hours, days, months and years to come.
There are several discourses in the Gospel according to John, however, this one is different. Where the others generally follow an event and serve to explain the event (e.g., John 5,6 or 9), the Farewell Discourse is one given in anticipation of the Passion, Death and Resurrection. It is thus interesting that in its liturgical use, while Jesus is preparing the disciples for the events of the three days of Holy Week (triduum) – in our time it is after the celebration of Holy Week and Easter. Of course, these readings are also given to us to prepare our endeavors and journey in the times following Easter.
One of the great discourses/speeches of the OT is the book of Deuteronomy, especially the farewell discourse by Moses to the people of Israel on the plains of Moab. The book of Deuteronomy reached its final written form during the Babylonian Exile period when Israel was asking itself the deep questions of identity, place and purpose. It is that context that Moses’ farewell speech receives a fresh hearing by new ears, in a new time and place. These words spoken long ago before the event of entering the promised land, are later heard in a new moment by a new people – even centuries after the event. Just as the people of exile were invited to see themselves on the plains of Moab, so too, in our day, we are invited to see ourselves in the Upper Room. We are reminded what is ours to do in proclamation of the Good News of the risen Christ. It is in this vein that the Johannine discourse is offered by the Church for our consideration on the 5th Sunday in Easter
Royal Priesthood
For this and the following 5 Sundays, the second video will cover the the final verse in the second reading for the 5th Sunday in Easter (Year A). The verse simply states: “You are ‘a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of his own, so that you may announce the praises’ of him.” (1 Peter 4:9) The expression is taken from Exodus 19:6 and Isaiah 61:6 – and echoed in Revelation 1:6 and 20:6.) Simple, yet containing such depth. Specifically we will look at the biblical idea of a “royal priesthood.”