On the Back Porch

The Third Sunday of Advent, Year B

What We Celebrate
The 3rd Sunday of Advent, often called Gaudete Sunday, is more joyful and celebratory compared to the previous weeks of Advent. “Gaudete” means “rejoice” in Latin, and it is a day of joyful anticipation. The readings often emphasize that the time of waiting is nearing its end, and the fulfillment of God’s promises is drawing closer. It is a reminder of the joy that comes with the anticipation of Christ’s arrival. The Gospel reading shifts the focus from a solely penitential and preparatory tone to one of joy and hope. It encourages believers to rejoice in the Lord’s coming and to maintain a sense of hope and expectation.
In the first two weeks of Advent the gospels have been taken from Mark. This Sunday we hear from the prologue and the beginning of John’s gospel. Where the previous weeks have focused on John the Baptist as the herald of the Messiah, this week we are betwixt and between. John is clear he is not the promised One, yet the promised One is not yet here. Still, John’s role was to point people to Jesus. “Make straight the way for the Lord” is a call to be ready, for the coming of the Messiah is near. The imagery is that of preparing a roadway by clearing away the obstacles. This was an important process in ancient times, especially for roads in the wilderness.
There is a lot more to this gospel. Sit with it for a moment on the back porch.
Full Text of the Sunday Readings
Detailed Commentary on the Gospel
Image credit: Pexels + Canva, CC-BY-SA 3.0
Words of Advent
Christians have long observed the Advent season by meditating on peace, hope, joy, and love. Last week we considered peace and hope. This week we visit love and joy. Enjoy: