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On the Back Porch

Reading, pondering and studying God’s Word is sometimes best done “on the back porch.” Each week we will try to offer something for you and your “back porch time.”

14th Sunday, Year B

What We Celebrate

Over the last two Sundays we have heard about three of Jesus’ miracles

Calming the storm at sea  (Mk 4:34-41)
Raising Jairus’ daughter (Mk 5:21-24, 35-43)
Healing the bleeding woman (Mk 5:25-34)

In these miracles, Jesus exercises his power over nature, over sickness, and over death.  And then Jesus comes to his own hometown. “There Jesus was not able to perform any miracles, apart from curing a few sick people by laying his hands on them. He was amazed at their lack of faith.” Not exactly the reaction one would hope for?  Why the resistance? Did not the wisdom and miracles speak for themselves?

There is a lot going on in this gospel. Take a moment “on the back porch” and find out more about this amazing Gospel.

Full Text of the Sunday Readings
Detailed Commentary

Image credit: Domenico Ghirlandaio | Calling the Apostles | 1481 | Sistine Chapel, Vatican | PD-US


The gospel speaks to the faith that is asked of us who would take on the name “Christian.” What does it mean to be faithful? Perhaps we need only look to Scripture to see how an intrinsic characteristic of God is “faithfulness.” From that we can begin to understand what is being asked of us.