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On the Back Porch

Reading, pondering and studying God’s Word is sometimes best done “on the back porch.” Each week we will try to offer something for you and your “back porch time.”

11th Sunday, Year B

What We Celebrate

The 11th Sunday of Ordinary Time is one of the first gospels proclaimed after the Easter Season and Solemnities that immediately follow. We pick up the story from Mark’s Gospel after a long time away (since before Lent!). The public ministry of proclaiming the Kingdom of God is well underway. Jesus has taught, healed, cast our demons, raised the concern of his family, and has come under the scrutiny of Jerusalem authorities. There are lots of questions. Mark chapter 4 begins to answer them… but not directly. At this point in Mark’s telling we begin to engage Jesus and his method of teaching: the use of parables.

Three of the parables are agricultural in nature: the sower, the growth of the seed and the mustard seed. Each of the three reflects upon sowing, growth and harvest-elements which address the character of the Kingdom of God signaled by Jesus’ presence among them. The parables also point to the inevitable and ultimate triumph of the Kingdom of God.

There is a lot going on in this gospel. Take a moment “on the back porch” and find out more about this amazing Gospel.

Full Text of the Sunday Readings
Detailed Commentary

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The Gospel and the Kingdom

In Mark’s gospel, Jesus is quite clear about his mission: he came to proclaim that the Kingdom of God was at hand. This video traces the origins of the word “gospel” and how it ties the story of the Old Testament together with the story of Jesus and his announcement of God’s kingdom. Jesus brought God’s rule and reign to the world in a very upside-down way, which is the best news you could ask for.

Jesus and the Kingdom of God

In something a little different, here is a link to a 47-minute podcast on Matthew 4 (a parallel to Mark 4) and the Kingdom of God.