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Peru’s Fragile Democracy in Peril

Mary Anastasia O’Grady Wall Street Journal Guerrillas slaughtered 16 people in a south-central Peruvian village in May. The BBC reported “the bodies    had bullet holes” according to a local official, and some, “including those of two children, had been burned.”...
Pandemic Driven Hunger

Pandemic Driven Hunger

Pandemic-driven hunger is making 
the world more unequal Anthony Faiola, Washington Post July 12, 2021 LIMA, Peru — Worsening inequality, as poorer people and nations lose years of gains in the battle against hunger and poverty, is likely to be one of the lasting...
Pandemic Driven Hunger

Life in Our Sister Parish

Who does not remember the impact by the Covid pandemic on food security here in the United States. The evening news had stories nightly. And this was in the United States. Life in our Sister Parish – Lima Peru The impact of the pandemic was particularly hard on...