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Assisted Death

Assisted Death

Known by many names – Physician-Assisted Death/Suicide, Euthanasia, Dignity with Death – by whatever name, it is the planned termination of a life with the assistance (direct or indirect) of a doctor. It is not a question of end-of-life-care, decisions to...

Blessing and Biodiversity

Each year Catholics celebrate the Blessing of the Animals as part of the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi observance. St. Francis, the Patron Saint of Animals and Ecology, loved all animals and all of nature, recognizing each animal as an equally miraculous work of...
Faithful Citizens: Pro Life

Faithful Citizens: Pro Life

The 2021 Virginia elections are quickly approaching. You still have time to register – October 12th deadline for the November 2nd election! Thanks to the parish VOICE ministry for their recent voter registration drive. The U.S. Catholic bishops have updated...
Abortion as Health Care?

Abortion as Health Care?

As Catholics we are rightly opposed to abortion for the simple reason that it takes a life. Life, which St. John Paul II called “the most fundamental of human rights.” We celebrate life with the birth of a child; we mourn the loss of life and in that moment we...
What is your Election Plan?

What is your Election Plan?

Do you have a plan on where and how you will vote in upcoming November 2 General Election?  The St. Francis of Assisi parish VOICE ministry has already sponsored a successful Voter Registration campaign on the weekend of September 25/26 – and now it is time to...