…You know, you have to buy a ticket to win…just saying…
Take a chance! For $5 a ticket you can have the possibility of winning one of 4 new 2025 vehicles similar to the ones shown. And that’s not all! There are also 21 cash prizes available – totaling $40,000. All unsold and ticket stubs with payment are due no later than April 29th. The drawing will be held on May 3rd at All Saints Catholic Church, our raffle partner. Car raffle entrants do not need to be present to win.
We need your help for this our largest annual fund raiser! Raffle tickets have been mailed to each family – and we want you to be part of our fundraising team! One $5.00 ticket offers each purchaser a chance to win four cars plus $40,000 in cash drawings! This makes “selling” at work or to family and friends more like an opportunity—just show them the ticket—it will sell itself! Any questions, or need more tickets, please contact Chanel Marquis at 703-221-4044, ext. 222 or [email protected].
Please take note—All tickets (used or unused and money) can be mailed back directly to All Saints Catholic Church; turned into the Parish Office; placed in the collection basket; or the Catch-All Slot. St. Francis will STILL receive the normal proceeds from the Raffle. This is our Parish’s largest fundraiser and we thank you in advance for your support.
Image credit: “Raffle Tickets, Roll” by cobalt123 is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.