Adult Faith Formation
Life-long learners about our Faith
We are all called to live out our Baptismal promises and that includes growing in the Faith as life-long learners. Check out all the programs, courses, self-study, and resources available for you to grow in Faith.

Featured Programs

A Video Reflection
Each Sunday the parish posts some simple thoughts and reflections on the Sunday Mass readings. The videos "Sunday Thoughts" are posted on our parish YouTube channel. Set aside time to keep Sunday holy. Enjoy!

Bible Study Made Easy
Right from the comfort of your couch, explore Scripture. Each week an Zoom session with Fr. George. Invest 30-45 minutes for an eternal reward! Sign up to receive the weekly reminder email with the Zoom link.

Every Sunday's Gospel
Reading and studying God’s Word is sometimes best done “on the back porch.” Click here to see videos and notes on the Sunday’s gospel and more. There is something for everyone from “just starting” to those wanting a “deep dive.”

New Each Week Day
Every day one our of Franciscan Friars posts a reflection based on the daily readings. Solemnities, Feast Days, Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, and the weekdays of Ordinary Time – the posts offer insights and ideas for your daily reflection and consideration.

Faith-Filled Emails
Amazing notes, videos, and links to faith filled content from Bishop Barrons’ Word on File…and all delivered to your email inbox! Sign up to start receiving your emails and open the door to the light of Christ.
Becoming Catholic
Not yet baptized? From another faith tradition but are interested in the Catholic Church? Join us and explore full communion with the Catholic Church. It is journey of growing faith. It is a journey to eternal life. Learn More
Ready to Explore?

Mary, Explained
To imitate Mary, it is helpful to understand what the Church teaches about who she is. In this 7-part video series, we will explore the theology, traditions, and devotions about Our Lady so that we can all grow closer to her with the goal of growing closer to Christ.
Friar Musings
Fr. George publishes daily reflections, homilies, bible studies, and various musings about some topic that has captured his interest – mostly about the faith – but his interests are wide-ranging. Sign up to receive his musings via email

Catholic Chat
Artificial Intelligence/Chat GPT has been used to become a tool for having a natural language conversation with the Catechism of the Catholic Church in the free online tool: Catholic Chat.
Bible Study: Online Programs & Resources

Bible Study on your own
Always wanted to know more about the Bible? St. Francis is offering a way to begin, at your own pace, using easy to follow and understand videos. New programs available! More on the way. Find out more.

How to Read the Bible
This online resources is designed to introduce you to the Bible and its unique design, various genres, and unified story. The plan consists of 19 lessons designed so that you can move at your own pace. Each lesson consists of a short introductory text and a corresponding video.

The Gospels
The Study Plan for the Gospels is approachable and easily understood. The Plan emphasizes the Gospels are part of an integrated story that begins in the Old Testament, points to the New Testament and is fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ

Writings of St. Paul
This Study Plan is an introduction to the life and 13 letters of St. Paul, the great missionary and evangelists of the early Church. The letters reveal life in the early Church and contain the essential proclamation of Christ as Lord and Savior.

The Bible in A Year
Fr. Mike walks you through the entire Bible in 365 episodes, providing commentary, reflection, and prayer along the way. Each episode is 20-25 minutes. You can subscribe to the podcast via Ascension Press or use any number of popular podcast services.

The Chosen
The Chosen is the first-ever multi-season TV show about the life of Jesus. The Chosen allows us to see Him through the eyes of those who knew Him. The series is available via an app or via streaming services.

A Video Reflection
Each Sunday the parish posts some simple thoughts and reflections on the Sunday Mass readings. The videos "Sunday Thoughts" are posted on our parish YouTube channel. Set aside time to keep Sunday holy. Enjoy!

Bible Study with Fr. Jim
What does St. Paul mean by Gospel, salvation, and righteousness? Come fine out. Mondays in St. Clare Room at 9:30 am! See you there!

The Gospel of John
This Bible Study, led by Fr. Jim Scullion, O.F.M. (PhD) is an introductory view of the Gospel of John and the Johannine letters. Each of the six lessons consists of a video recording and a handout / outline of the particular lesson.
Other Programs
The Reformations
Come understand the popes, people, persecutions, and potpourri of life in Europe emerging from the Middle Ages into the Renaissance, from monkish manuscripts to the printing press, from “father knows best” to individuals enlivened by the Word of God.

Catholics Coming Home
Has it been a while? People say, “Well…I am not a practicing Catholic…” We say, “Just because you haven’t practiced in a while, you’re still on the team!” Come talk with one of our Fraciscan Friars about your story.
Discover, Follow and Share
ChristLife is a program to deepen your faith, strengthen your commitment, and discover ways in which you can evangelize the Good News of Jesus – all in the context of the life you already live. Learn more.

The Life of St. Francis
What was the real life of our parish patron saint? There are lots of myths, legends and popular stories told on the internet … that aren’t exactly true. Enjoy the 35 articles on the life of the saint – each about 4-5 minutes of reading. The real life is amazing!
Small Groups

Advent Season
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Lenten Season
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Intercessory Prayer
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