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Advent Calendars

The Names of Jesus Advent Calendar

This Names of Jesus ornament activity is a fun, meaningful way to get the entire family involved with Christmas decorating while learning about Jesus, the true meaning of Christmas. Each ornament features a different name of Jesus alongside heart-warming advent devotions and scriptures that tell the Christmas story, while explaining the deeper meaning in His most holy names.

Irish Bishop's Advent Calendar

A door opens each day on the webpage, and viewers experience brief personal video reflections on the Advent season from lay women and men, young people and clergy.

Advent Kindness Calendar and Ornaments

Lights up the world with your Advent Calendar. You can keep track of the days of Advent and at the same time create your own ornaments to bless the tree and he season.

Reverse Advent Calendar

It’s family game night! Gather everyone and play Advent Bingo together. Have fun while engaging with each other and learning about the theme of the Season of Advent

Advent Bingo

It’s family game night! Gather everyone and play Advent Bingo together. Have fun while engaging with each other and learning about the theme of the Season of Advent.

Advent Good Deeds Chain

"The True Story" Advent Calendar

It’s family night! Gather everyone and build your own Advent Calendar and learning about the Season of Advent.

Advent Kindness Calendar

Shift the focus from gifts and chocolates to building confidence, appreciation, and spreading kindness instead.

Advent Countdown Art

Have a fun family activity creating the calendar that moves across your house as the days to Christmas approach.